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Why does my Cat do that?
Why does a Cat eat grass?
There is no definitive answer as to why Cats eat grass but some theories include:
* Grass acts as a laxative and helps with the passage of hairballs through the system.
* Eating grass can induce vomiting, which helps the Cat bring up hairballs.
* Grass contains some nutrients which aren't a part of their normal carnivorous diet.
* They enjoy it.
Why does a Cat purr?
The exact mechanisms of purring are still not known. People associate purring with a contented and happy Cat, and certainly this is often the case. However Cats will also purr when they are in pain or frightened. One theory is that purring is a social signal, which sends out the message that the Cat is either contented or in need of help.
Why does a Cat have whiskers?
Also known as "tactile hairs" or vibrissae, whiskers are long, thick and specialised hairs on the side of the mouth. They are around 2 - 3 times thicker than "normal" hairs and are embedded three times greater than other hairs. Cats have approximately 24 whiskers, 12 on each size.
They are highly mobile and extremely sensitive and are supplied with a mass of nerve endings. Whiskers can move either forward and backward, and have several uses. They can detect air currents and vibrations and enable Cats to tell the distance and shape of an object in the dark. It has been shown that cats who have had their whiskers cut are able to hunt and kill prey normally in daylight but in the dark, they can catch the pray but misjudges where to place the killing bite.
Whiskers are as wide as the Cat's body, therefore act as a guide to tell the Cat if it is able to fit into a narrow space.
Whiskers are an extremely important sensory tool for the Cat and they should never be cut.
Why does my Cat vomit on the rug?
Why does my Cat knead me with it's front paws?
It has been said (but not proven) that Cats prefer to vomit on rugs to smooth, slippery surface as rugs give them a better grip while they are convulsing. Nice.
Kittens knead their mum's belly when they are feeding. This is a sign of contentment to the kitten and also helps the mother’s milk flow.
Why does my Cat push its head against me?
This is a cat's way of showing affection. Some cats will turn their head, and push it against a human (or another cat).
Why does my Cat chatter it's teeth at birds?
Many Cats will make a quiet 'chatter' sound while they are watching birds or other 'prey' from a window. There are two suggested theories as to why cats do this.
Firstly, when a Cat has caught it's prey it delivers a fatal bite to the neck. It may be that when your Cat is watching birds from afar it is re-enacting that fatal bite.
Secondly, it has also been suggested that cats make this noise out of frustration because they are unable to get to the prey.
Why does a Cat suck or chew on clothing?
Nobody knows exactly what causes this, but several theories have been suggested;
* Dietary insufficiencies, and possibly needing more fibre, minerals, or vitamins in their diet. This is less likely these days, with the quality of most modern petfoods, and should not be the case providing you are feeding a good quality food containing a decent meat as the source of protein, and not ‘meat and animal derivatives’ or cereals.
* Wool sucking may be a result of a Cat being weaned too early, and then taking to this as a self-soothing mechanism.
* Stress and anxiety.
* Boredom.
Why does my Cat bring home dead animals?
Hunting is a natural behaviour in felines. Our mollycoddled Pets have no need to hunt for food as it is supplied by us. However, when a mother Cat is teaching her kittens to hunt she will bring home dead prey for the kittens to eat. Once they are older she will bring home injured prey for the kittens and make the final kill in front of the kittens.
One theory for this behaviour, is that our cats think of their owners as somewhat incompetent hunters, and our they are attempting to teach us how to hunt, as a female Cat would teach her kittens.
Another theory is that they're offering dead animals to us as a gift. It is said that instead of a natural reaction of horror when presented with a dead animal on the doorstep we should heap praise on the cat. None of us wants to be met with horror when giving somebody a gift…..
Why does a cat play with its prey?
Cats are attracted by movement, so if a stalked prey keeps moving, the cat's desire to attack continues to be stimulated. If the cat gets very excited over the stalking/killing, he may continue to play with the prey after it is dead.
Why do cats like crinkly sounds?
Crinkly sounds are similar to the high-pitched noises of rodents, birds, and crickets, so the crisp, crinkly sound of a crumpled piece of paper or walking into a paper bag stimulates the cat's "prey response."
Why does my Cat meow?
Cats do most of their meowing when they want something but they do occasionally meow to say hello. It has been estimated that cats have roughly 100 vocal sounds and that they reserve all of them for communication with their owners. It can take a while but, if you listen to the different types of meow, you'll begin to pick up on what each one is for. The most common reasons for meowing is to say:
I'm Hungry - I want to go out - I want to come in - I want some attention - Help!
Each of these meows will be different and some are easier to understand than others. The 'I'm hungry' meow is usually easy to work out as cats a pretty good at standing by their empty food bowl or the cupboard their food is kept in when they make this noise.
All of the sounds need to be evaluated alongside your cat's body language and facial expression. Over time, as you get familiar with your Cat, you'll be able to recognise what each meow means. If all else fails, just ask them what they want.
Why do Cats always make a beeline for people who don't like them?
Direct eye contact with a Cat is a sign of dominance and can be seen as threatening behaviour to our feline friends. People who dislike Cats tend to avoid eye contact therefore making them more appealing and "Cat friendly".
Why do cats sleep so much?
Cats sleep on average 16 hours a day, which is twice the amount of sleep us humans average. When hunting for food, they use their energy in short, quick bursts to capture their prey. In his book CatWorld, Desmond Morris suggests that cats possibly sleep so much because, quite frankly, they can.
Why does my Cat bury it's food?
This is a behaviour which is a throwback from their ‘wild’ days. What they can't eat in one sitting they hide, so nobody else can eat it before they are ready to.
Why does my Cat always want attention when I'm on the phone?
Quite simply, your Cat doesn't realise there is somebody on the other end of the phone and thinks you are talking to him/her.
My Cat is chewing/biting his claws.
Some Cats will bite and chew their claws while they are grooming. This is to remove the outer sheath from the claw.
Nail biting can become a compulsive behaviour in cats, just as it does in humans, but generally it is just a normal part of their grooming routine. If it becomes obsessive, then it is always a good idea to run such behaviours past your veterinarian.
Why is my Cat a fussy eater?
Many owners consider their Cat to be fussy, when really they are just very conservative in their taste, and are unwilling to try new things.
Kittens are heavily influenced by their mothers and pick up the taste preferences of the mother not only through the weaning stage but also before birth. A varied diet for the mother cat and kittens will increase the variety of foods a cat will eat later in life.
For cats the most important factor about their food is aroma, closely followed by the feel of the food in the mouth. The size, texture and shape of dry kibble foods is very important as cats cannot chew, they only bite and crunch the food once before swallowing so it has to be easy to pick up, and easily crunched.
Flavour is the least important factor to a cat. Interestingly they also like wet food served at body temperature (which is the same temperature as the live food they catch out in the wild!) This is why they may appear to turn their noses up at food straight from the fridge.
Sometimes, fussiness is more down to the way you serve food rather than the food itself.
Cats generally prefer to be left in peace when they are eating, and don't enjoy an audience. Try to create a bit of privacy for your Cat’s mealtimes and switch feeding time until after the rest of household has eaten, keeping your cat away from the family eating area during meals.
Make sure your Cat's bowl is clean. Many Cats won't eat out of a bowl that has bits of old food in it. Try to get into the habit of washing out food and water bowls after each use, can attract bacteria.
If your cat normally enjoys dry food but has suddenly become fussy, you may need to replace the food. Dry food absorbs moisture and becomes stale, especially in warmer weather.
If your Cat spends time outdoors, remember there are plenty of opportunities for an extra snacks
outdoors. At dinnertime, your cat just might not be hungry.
Like humans, cats react to the weather. Hot summer days suppress the appetite and your cat can't opt for a light salad as an alternative.
Unlike humans, cats don't have psychological eating disorders and most will give in when they get really hungry. When your cat does eventually eat, offer lots of praise and affection as soon as the bowl has been removed.
If your cat's ‘fussiness’ continues, you may wish to try an alternative high quality cat food. Stick with the previous preference, whether dry or wet. Sometimes a change of recipe is all it takes to get the taste buds working again.
You should also check your cat's teeth. A dental problem or abscess could make eating difficult or painful. If your cat's gums are red or swollen, or the breath is unpleasant, ask your vet for a dental check up.
If your cat refuses all food for 48 hours or more, consult your vet. Refusal to eat can indicate a developing allergy, or be a sign of a more serious complaint. It may just be fussiness, but it's always best to make sure.